Day six we see we receive healing and wholeness we will overflow with living and giving this way to others. We are reconnected to our power of authority as we return to living YARAH. We are made new at this point. I see this also as year six. The way to live life flows through us by continually seeking and making decisions (thinking on) that power actions based on YARAH. We know the way of YHWH is not outdated or old.
We are raised to follow and gather the SHAMAYAMA workings. And we produce those here in the natural workings. The living seeds emerge and open. We see this when we raise food. We are to produce and give clean foods. Foods set apart as clean by The Creator not man. We are to train up and properly prepare food the MAYAMA that includes SHAMAYAMA food and Natural foods for feeding and wholeness.
We are marked with the power of the light that overflows from our hearts. This shows me that we can see the differences between people that attempt to make these rituals as opposed to doing as in living. Living as in actions is following YARAH from deep within. Those that dismiss the separation of clean and unclean foods for example. Those that make up their own foods. And if those that eat clean food the way they prepare the food may not be clean (the words for food is AKALA and KAPANA).
We are fertile ground and trees producing in greatness whole fruits of healing inside and outside. We create households that live in SHANA MAYAMA. Also radiating light and the power of living is submitted to YARAH. Those of the house also eat and live the MAYAMA. We are a house deeply rooted in YARAH the tree of life. The light gives the way of YAMAYAMA. Guiding deep within (beneath the surface as I mention in the heart not just rituals.) ADAMA is given his work to live in and to pass down.
The mighty MAYAMA enters ADAMA heart raising him up to carry this way. ADAMA sees and walks with firm foundations. ADAMA is lead by HAYA ADAMA HARAMA MASHAH leader of the way and the giver of the blood of life allowing us to be raised again. ADAMA is assigned to rejoin the dead back and raise them to life again. Raising those that are seeking. We support and do not force.
The firmament means the standard and the standard is the covering of life. The garment hangs from the rod of correction when we look at the DALATAW. The door.

The blood of HARAMA is the HADAMA or the MADAMA. We see in GANASHAYASHA 1:28 that YAH’HASHAWA enters with the garment of covering of the life. A door also separates and protects and is safe in a place that one wants to be in. Not being held against your will and forced to live a way. We leave the door to be opened from the inside for those that desire to leave. No one is held captive with YHWH.
Verse 1:29-31, we are re-rooted set back in the right place and standing again. So, we see the confirmation that we are the fallen ones. We are to regain the wisdom of the YARAH and help stand up and return the other MALAKAH through cleansing and receiving of the YARAH teaching whole heartedly to their seats. Re-rooting the people of SHAMANA back to the house of RASHATAW.
The MALAKA must be cleansed to return to their seats. They must receive and live in this new blood a new heart. Then they can return to SHABATAW. We are the ZARAOYANAO is the assignment. Provision and power made to of the watchers to move and lead within this sight and wisdom from within from the RASHATAWA.
We return through the speaking of the HARAMA a heart drawn to the SHANA reproducing and continually raising and rising. We begin to hold our root systems at the feet of RASHATAW. RASHATAW is the forest. Trees in a forest are all connected communicating through the MAYAMA below and above. Water, wind, sun, and ground are all connected. No one desires to move again to another forest. Standing as one living as one rooted. Connected by the continual agreement so that we do not fall again.

Day of preparation and beginning to become set apart to enter into SHABATAW.
And that is the end of day six.

Coming soon 7th day.
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