“And they will think about changing times, laws, appointed times, sacred seasons and seasons. Daniel 7:25 (various versions reveal what is behind times.) We thought seasons were pertaining to the weather only.
Well, they did more than think about changing times and season. On paper and their teachings, directs to believe that the “seasons” are no longer necessary to attend.
The other translations show it is the set times as in the PARASHAW (feast) days that correspond with the seasons. We can see the connection and correspondence in Jubilees. And in the sixty-six (66) books of the bible. We see that the seasons as in the timing that we think those seasons begin and follow those time.
So, when it snows in “January -March" we are told that is not normal. But that is normal. Because that is still wintertime. Now snow in May is the 3rd to 4th month the transition from spring to summer would be unusual. But that depends on where you live as well. Certain weather patterns can happen throughout all the seasons. We can see this in the book of Enoch. Thinking about some extra cool days in the summer. To give us, plants, animals, a break from the heat is much welcomed and is mentioned in the Book of Enoch. We also know there are machines and other spiritual workings to cause certain weather conditions to continue to deceive us. There are also judgments sent for ABA RASHATAW. We know sin has consequences and all those that love sin must answer in the time selected by RASHATAW.
We are experiencing teachings of liars. The point to keep us from showing up at our PARASHAW our feast day. And this journey begins individually then as a group. Most of us are led to believe we only change in groups. During complete transformation one needs to be covered and needs individual time with our father and his word. We need time to be cultivated so to speak and transformed reborn. We do not go through this process authentically when in a group. Because if we are honest we cannot always trust those around us. We can see with the setup of the Tabernacle and the Temple. The altars are outside. We give this transformation (sacrifice) as in dying to self- sin before we can enter the set apart places. The Tabernacle is a learning and transformation place. The Temple is the inner worship place. Offerings are submitted outside both places.
Individually as a season in the alone. Most often linked to the “woods” or “desert.” Time alone to learn to hear the voice of our Father. We are one with the Father as we follow his word HAMASHA and walk in the pathway of living works of his RAWACHA. Living YARA is coming out of sin. With repentance we stop the sins. So, we must know what sin is. Sin is anything that is not of RASHATAW. So, the sinners will say EVERYTHING is not sin. Well correct depending upon what they are doing. The things they say are not sin normally are sin. They do the opposite of RASHATAWS instructions. The word sin is a literal picture of going off the way instructed going along another way. Often this is not just being lost although that is what happens but some people purposely go their own way.
The other bible scrips make it seem as The Most High has “allowed” this as in whatever you all. I love y’all go do your own thang and it will be fine. And this is most certainly a great deception a LIE!!
Not at all. The Most High does not hold on to those that choose to go another way. Here in Acts 14:16 the KJV version he suffered them. As in you want to do your own thang you go with that and see what I was trying to cover you from. You can suffer from what sin brings. We are told in the SHAMA (Shema) do not bring other ways (gods or Elohim) against him as in challenging him to do other things. Normally something you were taught to do. I learned this through growing up. Watching as the female challenged our father. Then watching as people attempted to lead my children against what I was teaching them especially when I learned I needed to keep YARA (what they called the commandments.) I want to clarify that I always taught my children not to lie, steal, cheat. I also taught them about the importance of learning as in education, learning to be organized, timelines, meeting due dates, routines, money management, home care, personal care. Legit living, and more. And those things people also fought against.
Essential to our children but we don’t know this because children are taken to places where they are taught they need to listen to different people. Hence the design of HA ABA to have at least one part if not both at home and working from home. We aren’t just home without earnings. We have work. And our children are to learn to listen to Dad and Mom who should be on the same page with the same teaching. Thereby they are one because they think and live a like. As both parents have the same belief. One is not going against their agreement and teaching the children different. Then the children must learn who they will listen to. And I can tell you from experience of living with a woman that worked against her husband it tears the home apart. And creates confusion in the children. Because now she was forcing us to choose who we will love. Hence the reason of who we marry. You can’t marry someone that believes differently and hope they will change or you can change them. If they don’t change willingly on their own we let them go.
Perhaps this will bring up the remembrance of a script that says we cannot have two masters. We don’t have masters. We have leaders. AND we only serve The Most High. So, who we listen to must be following The Most High. Thereby we don’t walk in different ways. In other words, ABA is not the author of confusion.

Changing our times and seasons means changing our times to listen and learn. And our time to be with our father without other distractions. Be cleansed of sin, build up and taught the correct way to live and reborn. Refreshed as well. We need that rest time. We hear what our father sounds like. We hear his words. Thereby we can tell the difference when someone is bringing us something that is not of our Father.
We are given all these different feasts and festivals to follow but do they really come in agreement with the true times. The journey that is broken down and given to us about Yasha’raal as we repented and left Egypt to go to our promised land.
Once we were outside of the promised land Chabar (Moses) and the other selected Adanaya continued to teach us YARA. And the cleaning continued. We would now begin to take back our land.
So, I would recommend starting with creating times that at the start of each new season for the full month full study and researching and seeking so you too can be restored first as an individual. Contrary to people pulling you in with speaking for you to join them. You first must repent and be placed on forgiveness and then you will begin to recognize others. Others that have also repented and are on the road of forgiveness. You see we don’t seek out the people. The people are seeking RASHATAW and YAH’HASHAWA will lead you, when the time comes to see others.
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