There are people that are born with the spirit of opposition against authority. At first I thought this person only opposed certain types of people or certain individuals in their lives. But over the years I realized that this spirit/mindset opposed authority period.
Learning to battle those that come against ABA RASHATAW is real. Coming against ABA is going against his way of instruction. He knows better than we do. Why would we want to bring something else’s against the all-knowing? Even the leaders of the something else know he is All Mighty the Highest Power. James 2:19.
Hearing the voice of ABA YHWH,
I hear the voice of My Father, My Creator ABA YHWH say, “Come out of her my people.” As in stop living the ways the people live. Does this mean we don’t participate in society. I must say that is a hard one. Yes, we need time alone. In a sense we come out of society. Time outside of society so that we can learn the way of RASHATAW. So, yes for a season, I pulled out of what is considered doing what everyone else was doing. A season can be a short period of time or it can last multiple years. I was in my last season for six (6) years. Six (6) years of work.
Today, I am ready to add back in certain things. I first had to learn what is the way of RASHATAW and what is not. I am following the ways of RASHATAW. But there is a saying, “there is no fool like an old fool.” A fool can come at different ages. But one that is “old” is worn out and has decided that after decades of living this way, they refuse to change. So, there are those that are born first that do not want to take responsibility. Others may feel like they have no support and give in to this spirit. I am not the one.
Power struggles occur throughout multiple situations in our lives. People are competing to take control of the way we think and live. Over our economic flows. Over our state of happiness and wellbeing. Including how we live in the SHAMA. RASHATAW says, “do not bring anything else against me.” As it was translated. Meaning don’t try to come against his way. When we come against his way we come against him. The psychological terminology for this is power struggle. Those that think or want to think that they know more than RASHTAWA want to live life any other way but the way he has instructed us to live. Coming out of her translation, means to come out of outside ways. Stop living a way that is in opposition to YARA.
As I recognize the people that are in opposition with ABA. I can stand with the strength that I have now from my alone season with ABA. I can stand and represent YARA, unashamed and firm, KANA!
Knowing this I stop arguing. We are not to strive with people as in argue. We stand up for what is right and you do not have to argue. I let others argue with themselves. I no longer engage.