ALAMA Unfolded
The OBARAYAM consist of markers or signs.  Markers and signs
The Shema Reading
The "shema" is the modern Hebrew term for the offer
The prayer is seemly easy to learn. The prayer was
YARAH Part 1 Update
We have much to learn and will continue to learn.
MALA Words and Messages
We have power in our words. Although I heard this,
The Meaning of the Days of the Week Explained
In the PDF I will explain the meaning of the
The LAZY Spirit
Real Date: 4/3/2022 I had to revise this article because
Getting Our House In ARDAR Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 4
Genesis 1-4 is amazingly sent from ABA YAH from ABA
SHABAOTA A High SHABAT also Known as Pentecost
Part 2 Part Videos Real Date of SHABAOTA - 3/12/2022
Rooting Out The Pride Giants Part 1 Spirits of Jealousy and Envy
Real Date: 3/13/2022 I appreciate the revelation given to us